Home Theatre

Soundbar or Surround Sound System? Buying tips from Ooberpad

Choosing the perfect speaker for your home theatre system can be daunting, both for first-time buyers as well as audiophiles.

To add to this, the speaker selection process becomes even more challenging due to the acoustics of the room and individual perception of sound.

Many of our buyers have often been confused between opting for a soundbar or a multi-channel surround sound system for their home. Soundbars are particularly preferred thanks their sleek design, easy installation process, space saving, minimized wire clutter, and their ability to produce a form of virtual surround sound. On the other hand, multi-channel surround sound systems woo you with their immersive movie and music listening experience.

In this buying-guide-cum-blog, Ooberpad puts together a quick overview about the difference between the two along with tips to choose one for your home theatre system.

Credits: https://www.ooberpad.com