Rest & relax in a cosy rock n' roll atmosphere

Come and indulge With us to fulfill your dream home theaters, Automation, Public address system, channel music, solution-based Institution Audio-video, personal AV gears, and indoor-outdoor AV.

Redefining your Home Entertainment

Add a movie theater to your living room. Enjoy all your favorite movies by zooming in and 4K pass-through until the details. 5.1-channel surround sound and magnetic speakers bring everything from explosions to whispers to life. High-resolution audio brings your music closer to the original recording.

News on Latest Trends

HOME THEATRE calibration guide: Manual speaker setupLearn how to calibrate your home theater speakers for sheer audio bliss.BySamuel. VJ. SpeakerThese days, even

One of the most critical aspects of a home theatre set-up is the positioning of the speakers and subwoofers. Many factors such

Choosing the perfect speaker for your home theatre system can be daunting, both for first-time buyers as well as audiophiles. To add

The projector has long been used as a presentation tool in business, commercial entertainment, and in some very high-end home theatre systems.

There was a time when only two speakers would suffice to produce a satisfying listening experience. This still is the case if

Making its way from the film sets and post-production suites all the way into living rooms, Dolby’s Atmos surround-sound technology has swiftly